Day three at sea turned out to be another one of smooth sailing, low sea swells, and a pleasant breeze. Partly cloudy and partly sunny covered it all with temperatures in the low 80's and humidity rather moderate. According to Captain Frank, he is keeping a steady speed of 13.5 knots for the 245 nautical miles we have to travel to Colombo, Sri Lanka. He also mentioned that the sea depth is 30,000 feet deep. He was asked the question if the sea depth is measured in fathoms anymore. He did go into a complicated explanation of the fathom measure, but the final answer was no, it is not used in modern day sailing terms.
And finally, we are beginning to see some flying fish, although they are on the small side, they sure can skitter over the surface of the water. The best way to see these fish is by stopping and watching from the promenade deck in the bow area. If you blink, you will miss them. It does take some patience, but they are fun to watch. And these were lucky fish today since there were no birds hunting them.
Speaking of fish, we spotted some fishing boats not too far from the ship. One appeared to be dragging a net with a white buoy attached to the far end. It's just a guess, but these may be gill nets, and it is possible they are catching these flying fish along with anything else that is under the surface. A few commercial vessels passed by as well as larger ships on the far horizon. The closer we get to Sri Lanka, the Captain expects to see a lot more ship traffic.
There was a mandatory safety drill for everyone, with the exception of those folks who boarded in Singapore. We seem to get muster drills every month by maritime law. It is really easy and only takes a few minutes. Normally we have to run the video on our room TV, but since we got the new flatscreen, it has not come up to do it. We have it memorized anyway after all these years of sailing. And just in case we had forgotten, a letter arrived later in the day with all of the details in case of a real emergency.
The Project Linus Showcase took place at the Lido Poolside today. It is incredible how many talented people there are onboard to create some of the neatest blankets. Special blankets were being sold to raise money for more yarn. We think we heard it was a bidding affair. Kudos to Gail and Marty and their helpers who lead this group and put so much of their time into its success.
The other event was the return of the Block Party. Now this surprised us since we were under the impression it was going to be delayed due to spreading illnesses. What do we know? It began at 4pm while Captain Frank and his wife Alexandra went deck to deck greeting those who participated. It was titled Zlings?, wine and nuts party.
It was pretty quiet in the Lido for our lunch at 2:30pm. We have noticed that there are some card groups forming playing poker and other card games. A long time ago, some of our friends that loved gambling, also had a sea day card clutch. Being that they were actually gambling with money, they were shut down. So far, no one has said this is not allowed.
Among the World Stage lectures was one by Kimberly about the Seychelles. We like her talks as they give us all sorts of info. Trying to get it to work on our TV has been hit and miss. We finally got Colombo and the Maldives to work, but only after trying it several times during the day. This has got to be a problem on the tech end, and not just our TV. Hope they get this fixed, because we have a lot more ports to go.
The sunset was around 6:30pm, and looked like it was going to be good. However, the full sun was dropping towards the horizon, then it hit that grey bank of haze or smog, and simply disappeared. It was disappointing, but fairly common in this part of the world.
Dinner time found some goodies on the menu. We both had the smoked chicken appetizer (so good), and mains of teriyaki glazed short ribs. We have tried this meal when they served it a month or more ago, and decided it was even better this time. Dessert was one strawberry sundae and a scoop of pecan ice cream. There was one of the pop-up specialty dinners in the Pinnacle Grill tonight with Guest Chef Deming along with the Wine Guys Mike and Jeff. That took away some of the guests from the dining room, so service was quick, which we appreciate.
Entertainment was a show performed by Annie Gong, an instrumentalist with beautiful music from the 50's, 60's, and more. Hmmm, right up our alley for sure.
Tomorrow we will be in another country, Sri Lanka, one we know very well.
Bill & Mary Ann