Saturday, June 1, 2019

Report #133 Day at Sea May 31, 2019 Friday No forecast

Our forecast ……very cloudy, also very cold, windy, and slightly rough seas.  Not exactly the way we wanted to spend our final day at sea, but for most of this extended cruise, we have had fairly good weather. 


Our day was simple. Eat, pack, get a haircut, and eat some more.  Since it was not a fitting day to be outside for any length of time, we needed to continue with the majority of the packing.  It’s the little odds and ends that take time.


The best part of the day was lunch in the dining room, where we shared our table with guests…..Ellen and Aart.  We had so much catching up to do, it would take months, let alone days.  The perfect meeting spot would have been at the aft pool deck, but with this weather, no one has gone out there that we know of.  The wind would have been a factor today for sure.  At least we could linger over a fine lunch in comfort, with the expert help from our waiters.


That worked out perfectly time-wise, because we wanted to watch the movie “The Kid”, yesterday’s Wajang feature.  It was a western based on the times of Billy the Kid, but had a different twist to the story.  Glamorized, it was not.  Made you happy you did not live in those times of the wild, wild west.  It was also a good time to catch up on yesterday’s photos and report.


When finally reading the When & Where paper, we noticed there was a sale on some of the 2019 world cruise logo wear.  Whatever was left was 50% off.  This morning, we asked Slam if these t-shirts and sweatshirts ever went on sale for the crew.  The answer was yes, and they did get it at 75% off.  Whatever does not sell at that time, is possibly donated.  Funny thing was we were riding in an elevator with a lady that just purchased a world cruise sweatshirt.  She said it was a good idea, since she needed something warmer, and no one will ever know that she did not actually sail on that cruise.  Always a good reason to buy these items.


Tonight’s suggested dress was gala attire, the final one of this 18 day trip.  The late seating at 8pm had many fewer guests, but the open seating on deck four had even less.  Despite that, the wait for the surf and turf entrée was long, as most folks ordered that.  The rack of veal was equally as good.  Usually we try to pass by the desserts, but we did have one flourless chocolate cake and one orange-glazed cheesecake.  This will be a hard habit to break once we go home.  And that is coming up soon.


Around 9:30pm, we noticed some waiters coming into the  dining room dressed in white vests.  Turns out they were going to be passing around chocolate treats throughout deck five.  This is something that also occurred on the grand voyage too.  Sure looked like a big hit, because people were indulging in the lounges, bars, and the casino as we made our way to the forward elevators.  We’re guessing most all of them had dined much earlier.  And for about 500 guests, this will be about the end of their trip as they will be debarking in Vancouver. 


The good news is that we will be arriving early to Victoria tomorrow at 10am instead of 1pm.  It’s such a beautiful city that we appreciate the extra time to explore and enjoy.


The saying for today is a very good one to ponder:   Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do, than by the ones you did do.  So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.                     -  Mark Twain –     We did, and intend to continue.....


Bill & Mary Ann