Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Report #55 Florida bound...... December 31, 2019 Tuesday Mostly cloudy & 60 degrees

Well here we are, 12 days after leaving the Amsterdam in San Diego.  The ship sailed through the Panama Canal, and is now on her way to Ft. Lauderdale, just like us.  To say it has been a whirlwind stay at home is an understatement.   We managed to squeeze in so many things we had to do, it seems as if we have been here for a month or more.  Connecting with our awesome family and friends has been wonderful, and wrapping up necessary loose ends made this a good move.


If you have followed this blog from the beginning, you might remember we had a 48 hour power outage shortly after we left home in October.  The freezer in the garage survived the "quarter test", but the kitchen refrigerator freezer did not.  So the old saying "if in doubt, throw it out" was our best bet.  Luckily, there was not a lot of frozen food in there except several ziplocks full of hand-pitted cherries in a sugar syrup.  Took hours to clean them this past summer, and they should have been canned.  Lesson learned.  One good thing is that the refrigerator is sparkling clean now.


And perhaps you may remember our little deer that had used our place as her "playpen" since she was born in August.  She never did figure out how to jump the fence, so there she was, looking at us decked out in her winter coat of fur.  The following day, while tending our birds, her mom and aunt appeared, jumping the fence to feed the baby.  No wonder she survived, because there was nothing to eat on our place now that the acorns are gone.  This time, she found the gate opened for her, and went out to unite with the two does.  We have not seen her since, and hope they moved up where the feed is good.  Perhaps one day, she will come back.


Our ride will arrive at 5:30am tomorrow, and we will have only one piece of luggage and hand carry ons for the flight to Ft. Lauderdale.  Hopefully the traffic will be light, and the fog will stay away at least for the morning.  We will be staying three days at the hotel, then board the ship on Saturday, January 4th.  Look for the reports to resume soon…. In the meantime, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!


Bill & Mary Ann