Saturday, February 22, 2020

Report # 107 Day at Sea February 21, 2020 Friday Partly sunny & 81 degrees

As we get nearer to the islands of French Polynesia, the days are getting warmer and the seas bluer.  Few sightings of birds though.  We did spot some small white birds flying above the water, but so far off in the distance, we could not identify them.  Looking for flying fish was unsuccessful too.  And that tells us that if there are no fish, there are no birds.  


It was another great day to spend relaxing on the aft deck.  What a difference from the previous cruise, when we had trouble finding lounges.  Today, there were no more than six sunbathers at a time either in the pool or laying in the sun.  When occasional clouds passed overhead, it was really nice.  At least today, there were no showers while we were out there.  Now tomorrow, while we are in Papeete, showers are predicted, so we will pack the umbrellas with us.  It seems like we were just there, but then, we were, last November.  And it had rained then, because we had to end around many huge puddles on the way to shopping and lunch. 


While doing our morning hike on deck three, a major general emergency drill for crew members took place at 9:45am.  Even though it was announced prior to the whistle going off, we still jumped when the piercing sound erupted on all of the speakers.  As the drill progressed, we began seeing the crew members coming outside to their stations at each lifeboat.  Each one has a specific job to do, and it is reassuring to see it in practice.  The more crew that came outside, the more crowded it became.  So we ended our walk, and eventually went to the pool.


Lunch consisted of two types of Dive In burgers, and were very good.  When we go to the grill around 3pm, there are few customers, so the wait is quite short.  There are never extra cooked burgers on the side, so they are not cooked until they are ordered.  That is their secret to the freshness of their many selections.  We skip the fries, mainly because we only like the skinny fries served in the Pinnacle Grill.  Wish they had those here, but better they do not.  We would overdose on them.


The time changes have been catching up with us during the late afternoon.  So in order to fight off fatigue, we get out and about instead.  Walking seems to give us that boost, then going to listen to the Ocean Quartet is always fun.  We run into more people we know, while sitting outside the lounge.  And even some we do not know, but recognize us from the blog photos.  It is always a pleasure to meet new folks that have followed our adventures for more times than we even remember.


Also entertaining was the Malibu rum sampling that began at 7pm outside the liquor shop. They  were featuring a mango flavored rum.  A few minutes before 7pm, a line formed all the way into the casino.  The store salesman made  it clear there was only one small sample for each customer, and if you asked for a second one for a spouse or friend, the answer was no.  Of course, the bottles were on sale, but they would be held until the end of the cruise.


At 7:30pm, we attended the show featuring a singer, Jesse Kazemek and his lovely wife.  They sang several Elvis songs and promised some Beatle's tunes as well.  Come to think of it, we are hearing less and less of Sinatra or Bing Crosby these days, as the majority of the passengers are in a slightly younger age group now.  Only slightly…..


There were five of us at the table for dinner tonight, as the guys went to the Taste Of Tamarind in the Pinnacle Grill.  The cost for this special meal has gone up from $25 to $39 per person.  We love it, and would have booked this dinner had we known it was added.  We do have the next two ones booked, and look forward to them.  Both of us had the fresh catch fish entrée, which was tuna.  Knowing that it had been brought over fresh from the Pitcairn group, we had to try it.  Normally this is served on the rare side, but we requested it to be more done, but not dry.  It arrived perfect….seasoned and grilled on the outside, but still tender and juicy in the middle.  Desserts were a thin chocolate cake with ice cream and one scoop of pecan ice cream. 


Looking forward to our stop tomorrow, as it will be our only stop in French Polynesia on this cruise, a place we really enjoy.


Bill & Mary Ann