Saturday, May 13, 2023

Report #133 Friday May 12, 2023 Fort Lauderdale, Florida Disembarkation Day Port Side To Pier 26 Mostly Sunny And Warm 85 Degrees High Humidity With Some Wind


The Zuiderdam slipped into Port Everglades quite early this morning, turned, then docked port side at Pier 26, where the Amsterdam usually docked.   It seemed like we just left here, but that was 128 days ago.  Time sure has a way of flying on by, doesn't it?  Despite it still being dark outside, it felt like it was going to be a nice day.  At least it wasn't raining as had been predicted. 


Of course we had been up early, even though we had a later departure time.  Around 6am, we went outside on the veranda to see what was happening down below, and were surprised to see an ambulance, lights flashing, and a fire truck at the lower gangway.  The EMT's had a stretcher ready at the bottom of the stairs, and three more fellows were helping a man down those stairs.  He was loaded quickly, then his companion or wife climbed in the front seat of the ambulance and away they went to the hospital we assume.  Asking friends later, no one seemed to know about this pick up, so it may have been something recent that occurred.  There was a lot more activity happening, but we would watch that later. 


We did not want to miss our last breakfast in our special spot, but what made it even better was seeing Barb come into the room to join us.  Last night, we had suggested she meet us, but getting up early is not in her routine.   It was a good time for her to enjoy doubles on the fresh-squeezed orange juice.  Her luggage tag number had been called a half hour later, so she rocket-dogged out of the dining room, but not before Danu and Andri could give her a proper hug.  She really does not like sad goodbyes, so we all said we would see her later, God-willing, and the creek don't rise. It's something we say every night when we head back to our rooms.  You would think we all live in Little House on the Prairie, and so far, the creek has not risen…..


The best place for us to wait our turn to go off, was in our room and the veranda.  It was a zoo down on the dock with all of the luggage being taken off with forklifts.  The majority of it was being loaded into trucks with the Luggage Forward tags on them.  It was great knowing that these suitcases did not need to be claimed and hauled through customs.  Bet the porters did not like that.  For those guests who did not get the free shipping or chose to take their stuff on the plane or by car, they did have to claim their bags. 


Along with the luggage, there were big deliveries of food and supplies for the trans-Atlantic sailing.  It looked about the same amount of products that we loaded back in January, indicating the ship is probably full. 


So with our hand carry bags over-loaded, we went off the ship when our tags were called.  That was about 10am, fifteen minutes ahead of schedule.   A double line of officers said goodbye to us, including the Captain, Henk, and Maja among others.  Although we did see a lot of Maja, we did not run into Henk that often.  He had his hands full with this cruise and that is an understatement.  Maybe that was why he had a look of relief on his face.  Christel had told us that he will be flying to Montreal for a big HAL pow-wow today, coming back in Europe for a short time, then it would be vacation time. 


Most of the luggage in the terminal had been picked up already, since we were the last group to be called.  We went directly to the Customs' desk with virtually no line.  The friendly official greeted us and asked for the passports, which he scanned.  Then he took a facial recognition photo with a very small camera mounted above his window.  Easy-peasy, we were free to go.


Once outside the HAL reps guided us to an area to wait for our bus ride to the hotel.  There were only seven of us going to the Renaissance West, and the bus left at 10:25am.  Just as we were backing out, we spotted some people we knew that had to leave the ship in Mauritius for a family emergency.  We are guessing they were here to collect more of their luggage since they live close by.  We also saw some folks we know getting ready to board the ship for the trans-Atlantic voyage and beyond. 


We arrived to the hotel by 10:40am, but found it was too early to access our room.  By the way, the lobby was filled with new passengers on their way to the Zuiderdam.   Once their entire group was present, the rooms would be ready.  We had been told it might be shortly after 11am to get our room, but it really was closer to noontime before they became available.  It was worth the wait, since we were given a nice remodeled room on the 9th floor with a great view.  Unloading what little we had brought with us, we were off for a much- needed walk, which led to our lunch destination.  It felt like a long haul to Chili's on University Avenue, but we think that was due to the 80 degree weather and high humidity.  We are not used to that yet.  We ordered salads which were refreshing, also downed two large Coke Zeros with lemon. 


We headed back to the hotel taking some photos of course along the way.   Back at the hotel we caught up on emailing and downloading computer stuff, also relaxing while watching some TV.  Knowing we have to be up before the chickens tomorrow, we decided to walk to Bokampers for a light dinner at 6pm and turn in early.  We will need to meet our driver in the lobby at 4:15am for the transfer to the Ft. Lauderdale airport, which is fairly close by.  On a Saturday morning , there should be little traffic. 


So sweet dreams……


Bill & Mary Ann

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