Friday, February 28, 2025

Report #58  Friday  February 28, 2025  Sea Day #2 Of 2  Enroute To Singapore, Singapore   Mostly Cloudy With Some Sun   Slight Seas  82 Degrees----Casual Dress

Day two at sea found it to be a very pleasant one with smooth seas, slightly windy, some sun, mostly cloudy and no rain.  The temperature was 84 degrees and humid, but not too bad.   Even the Captain agreed that it was a great day, but he has said that almost everyday since we left Ft. Lauderdale.    Besides the good weather, he said he was sad to leave in Singapore tomorrow , but on the other hand, he looks forward to going home and seeing family.   He expects an early arrival at 6am to Singapore tomorrow….it will still be dark.   No matter what time we arrive, the area will have a lot of ship activity as it is one of the busiest ports in the world.  As of noontime, we still had 360 nautical miles to go to Singapore and we were 1 degree below the Equator.    About 210 guests would be packing today to go home or wherever, and about that same amount will be joining. 
We used much of the day catching up with reports like we usually do.  While other folks are doing the activities, we always hope that it gives us a faster internet connection.  We still have to open our door to send the larger files, but it is not a big problem.  There is that curtain we can pull that blocks the view of the room, but we seldom do that.  
There was a port talk on Phuket, Thailand in the World Stage, which should be televised and shown later today on our TV.    We missed the talks on the Malaysian ports, so we tried to get it on our TV, and eventually, it worked.  Since Kimberly's voice was still giving her problems, Merge, the guest speaker, took her place and did a fine job.   We were disappointed to find that the ship is docking in a commercial port with a shuttle to the regular cruise terminal.  There will be no shuttle to the closet town of Klang like there used to be.  We recall the free shuttle went to the Aeon Mall.  
Other lectures by Merge dealt with street food in Singapore and Malaysia, which we would never do.   No way Jose.  War battles in Singapore was the subject of Mr. Quintrell, and Dr. Douglas spoke all about the ring of fire.    The movie Crazy Rich Asians was repeated in the World Stage at 3pm. 
There was a fresh fruit buffet in the Lido poolside ending at 2pm, but we missed it because 2:30pm is our lunchtime.   We did have an invitation for a group dinner in the Pinnacle Grill that was the alternate Canaletto Restaurant this evening.  It was hosted by our travel agent's hosts, but it began at 5pm…..way too early for us.  So we passed on it. 
We watched the sunset, which was not the best one tonight.  You just never know what to expect.  Dinnertime arrived quickly and we ordered one seafood spring roll, a bowl of tomato soup, and two different salads.   Mains were a lamb shank meal and one small serving of lasagna without the cheese sauce.   Desserts were a caramel peanut sundae and one small version of Baked Alaska.   We said our goodbyes to our assistant waiter, Komang, who will be going home tomorrow.    Who will replace him?  No one seems to know until tomorrow.  
There was a Chocolate Surprise in the World Stage at 7 to 8:30pm, but that is our exact dining time, so we missed that too.  Probably did us a favor as we do not need the extra calories.
Looking forward to our Singapore visit.  Hope we will be able to cover a lot of the city we always do.  A good night's sleep is in order…….
Bill & Mary Ann