Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2016 12:26:32 AM
Subject: Report #107 Livorno, Italy April 16, 2016 Saturday Cool & windy 67 degrees Part #2 of 2 61 Pictures
Subject: Report #107 Livorno, Italy April 16, 2016 Saturday Cool & windy 67 degrees Part #2 of 2 61 Pictures
Our walk continued……………
A statue of sea monsters (1629)
The Four Moors Statue & Ferdinando 1 of Medici
Sailboats and the Silversea Wind
Public water fountain where locals fill their water bottles
Sailaway Pictures From Livorno……
Here comes the pilota (Italian)
The sail away was moved to the Crows Nest
The Wind sailed like the wind, naturally
Madonna and Child Statue protects the harbor
Leaving the coast of Italy behind