Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 4:12:26 AM
Subject: Report #111 Cadiz, Spain April 20, 2016 Wednesday Chance of rain & 60 degrees Part #2 of 3 67 Pictures
Subject: Report #111 Cadiz, Spain April 20, 2016 Wednesday Chance of rain & 60 degrees Part #2 of 3 67 Pictures
Cadiz continued…………
Nuestra Senora del Carmen Church
Plaza de Espana – Monument to the Cadiz Constitution
Follow the path, and we went full-circle
All the streets looked the same
Found the restaurant…Osare Pizzeria
Cheese, tomato, and jamon (ham) pizza
Central Market (oldest in Spain)
The last of the fish left for the day
Last of the outdoor flea market
Heading back towards the ship on Calle Compania